Certified QRNR Practitioner Training

Certified QRNR Practitioner Training

Do you have a license to touch? Do you have a burning desire to help people reach their health goals but cannot make the plan concise, precise, and cohesive? Are you tired of watching your patients/clients waste their time/money on products and programs that don't work? This is the class that will change your life...and theirs!! We don't even waste our time with products that are not at least 95% effective, and we don't want our patients to either. This class is only offered in February and October in Tennessee, or you can request a class with a minimum of 4 participants in your area and we will work with you to make it happen. The planet needs more of us. Call our office to discuss dates and times that work for you, or request an invitation to our next Level 1 class in April.

Call 931-557-5005


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